Ugly Truth

How Can You Actually Miss That?

How Can You Actually Miss That?

There are few feelings worse than turning your teammates would be assist into a moonbeam. I remember very few details about my own youth soccer days, but the times where someone missed a goal from literally inside the goal really stand out. Some players know how to...

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Ugly Truth – Lionel Messi Accused of Tax Fraud

Ugly Truth – Lionel Messi Accused of Tax Fraud

In an obvious case of "more money, more problems," Lionel Messi, who earned over $40 million last year alone, has been charged with tax evasion. A Spanish prosecutor has filled a fraud complaint against Messi for fraudulently concealing his earnings through a number...

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San Francisco Turf Field Wars

San Francisco Turf Field Wars

As space in urban environments becomes scarce, finding a place to play soccer can be difficult. Even worse, when you do find a place, it may have other serious issues, such as poorly maintained grass and gopher holes. Such is the scene in San Francisco, where a new...

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David Beckham Red Carded at Youth Game

David Beckham Red Carded at Youth Game

This story is hilarious! David Beckham was attending his son young son Romeo's soccer game, when one of the players on his team fouled an opposing player, and was sent off! When Beckham put up an argument to the ref about the red card for the young player being a...

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When Adults Screw Up a Soccer Game

When Adults Screw Up a Soccer Game

A few weeks back, my close friend was putting on a large division 3 tournament. The tournament was a major success outside of one unfortunate situation with a coach that made a really bad decision. Unfortunately, one bad decision by an adult that should have known...

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Australia Wins 31-0

Australia Wins 31-0

When I was a youth player, we had a rule. If we ever got up 7 goals, the only way we were allowed to score after was by header. Australia held nothing back against American Somoa, crushing them by the American Football score of 32-0. 'This video recaps the scoring,...

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Youth Club President Accussed of Embezzlement

Youth Club President Accussed of Embezzlement

Former Healdsburg Soccer league president Kyle Hoffman has been accussed of embezzling roughly $35k from the club since taking over as president. One check totalted $5,000 for "training coaches" and another $2,400 was spent on a "Party for coaches." What a disgusting...

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How Can You Actually Miss That?

U.S. Ties Slovenia: Referee Koman Coulibaly screws U.S.

There is nothing worse than a referee deciding the outcome of a match, let alone a game on the world’s biggest stage. What just happened between the U.S. and Slovenia was a disgrace to the game, and the effort the U.S. team exerted in the second half. The feeling of...

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How Can You Actually Miss That?

When Soccer and Politics Collide

Trailing Conservatives in the polls, Labour Party leaders are suggesting collectivization of professional soccer clubs, giving fans the opportunity to purchase up to 25% of their hometown club. Despite the fact that many fans support the measure, they don't appear to...

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How Can You Actually Miss That?

Al Qaeda Threatens World Cup

In a sick and depressing twist, an Al Qaeda affiliated group in North Africa has threatened an attack at the U.S. vs. Britain game during the opening round. While these threats are likely hollow, they are being taken very seriously as they should. Lets all hope for a...

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Soccer Drills & Practices “To-Go”


Run your entire season from your phone or tablet. No printing, no planning! READ MORE